Grub Control in Duluth: Stop the Damage Early

grub control in Duluth

As innocuous as grubs may appear at first glance, these known pests can do unfortunate damage to your turf if left to their own devices. To find peace of mind, get started with strategic grub control treatments as early as possible. With Lawn Doctor of Dunwoody, Duluth, & Norcross treating your lawn, you won’t have to worry about a surprise grub infestation.

Why Grubs Must Be Stopped Early

A basic understanding of the life cycle of grubs is crucial to knowing how to stop them from doing damage. These tiny bugs, which are actually the larval form of the beetle, emerge from the eggs that beetles have laid in your soil. Once they’ve matured, eating plenty of grassroots in the process, they can then lay their own eggs. This perpetuates the cycle of grub infestations and heightens the risk of damage to your turf. By taking early action, you can stop new generations of grubs from taking hold and give your yard essential protection.

The reason grubs are so pernicious is that they eat away at the roots of plants, particularly the turfgrass roots found in your soil. By munching on the part of your lawn that is hiding underground, these critters essentially sever root systems from turf, leaving it to die off in ugly brown patches. If you ever notice that your turf feels soft or spongy underfoot, or you have spotted areas that are starting to turn brown, you can guess that grub damage is well underway.

Learn More About Grub Control in Duluth!

Fortunately, finding a solution to the problem of grubs is as easy as asking our local team to begin treating your turf. We’ll time our treatments appropriately to catch grubs as early in their life cycle as possible, minimizing the damage they can do. If they have already begun nibbling away at your lawn, our treatments can also wipe them out to prevent additional destruction.

Our expertise goes well beyond grub control. We can also deliver treatments that help rid your lawn of the evidence of grub-related damage. From the application of nutrient-rich treatments to personalized and attentive care, you can trust our team to boost your lawn’s health in a number of ways.

Homeowners in the following communities look to us to protect and revitalize their turf:

  • Duluth
  • Doraville
  • Norcross
  • Dunwoody
  • Sandy Springs
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For grub control in Duluth,contact us today!