Spring Lawn Care in Danbury: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

extremely green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Danbury.

You don’t spend a lot of time in your yard in winter, so you don’t need to give it a second thought, right? Actually, your turf still requires some care to protect it from harsh weather, so it comes roaring back to life in spring. And the Danbury, CT area’s spring lawn care experts can help. At Lawn Doctor of Ridgefield-New Milford-Westbrook, we know what’s important to do now and in the weeks and months ahead to prevent damage and disease and promote strong growth down the line. Here’s a look.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

Once the cold weather consistently hits the Danbury area, grass stops growing. But diseases and pests are still active, which is why it’s important to do all you can to protect your lawn. One helpful step to take is to clear up any debris or clutter that’s on your lawn. This includes leaf and wood piles, furniture, and equipment. By covering grass, they trap in moisture and block out sunlight and air, creating conditions that invite infections and invasions.

In addition, since your lawn is dormant, it’s also more susceptible to stress, especially from foot traffic. So try to limit the amount of stress your grass experiences during the winter months. Another way to minimize stress is by being careful when salting your driveway or sidewalks. Salt can be damaging, particularly if your grass is continually exposed to it.

How Our Danbury Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

Our lawn care treatments are another effective and affordable step to take to further protect your turf, as well as support healthy growth and color when spring arrives again in the Danbury area. This includes with services, such as our:

Individual solutions. With Lawn Doctor of Ridgefield-New Milford-Westbrook, we customize our treatments, so first we’ll perform a careful inspection. We’ll then make recommendations as to which treatments will offer the greatest benefit.

Ongoing care. Beyond individual treatments, Lawn Doctor of Ridgefield-New Milford-Westbrook also offers programs for ongoing attention. For instance, with our lawn maintainer care program, we’ve combined fertilization, weed control, and lime applications into one simple package that delivers essential treatments at optimal points of each season.

For spring lawn care in Danbury, CT, contact us today for a free consultation! We also offer spring lawn care in other nearby areas, including Branford, Ridgefield, and Guilford.