Fall Lawn Care in Danbury: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Beautiful back yard showing fall lawn care in DanburyWhen it comes to your lawn, fall is a critically important time. As temperatures are dropping, you need to ramp up your efforts to help turf recover from summer, gear up for winter, and return better than ever come spring. But how do you do that? Lawn Doctor of Ridgefield-New Milford-Westbrook can help. As fall lawn care professionals in the Danbury, Branford, Ridgefield, and Guilford, CT areas, we know how to get today’s efforts to pay off big during the next growing season. Here’s how:

Fertilize. Your grass needs to be well-nourished to achieve brilliant green color, as well as maintain optimal health and strong defenses. And autumn is a vital point to feed your lawn before it goes dormant for winter.

Suppress broadleaf weeds. Those weeds, like dandelion, should be treated during the fall, when they’re most vulnerable. This is when they’re absorbing resources from their surroundings to prepare for winter, which means they’ll also absorb more herbicide, too.

Keep on mowing. Mow your lawn until your grass stops growing, which is usually around the first hard frost of the year. When you do, don’t cut it too short, though, which can cause stress right before winter.

Spot seed or overseed. Whether you have a few small areas that need care and attention or your lawn could use a boost overall, fall in the Danbury area is the time to seed so your yard gets a head start next spring.

Aerate. Summer fun can often lead to compacted soil. This stresses, compresses, and eventually suffocates roots. But when you aerate, you can alleviate this issue and enable water, air, and nutrients to better penetrate into the root zone.

Water thoroughly. If rain is sparse and your grass isn’t getting about an inch a week, water your lawn even if temperatures are cool. A yard that goes into the winter dehydrated will be more likely to get damaged and come back weaker in the spring.

Let Danbury’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

Fall in the Danbury area is the ideal time to provide the care that will get your lawn into better shape come spring. If you’d like help with the job, the team at Lawn Doctor of Ridgefield-New Milford-Westbrook is here for you. While you mow and water, we’ll individualize a treatment plan and schedule that works for you and your yard. As a result, your turf will get what it needs for healthier growth and fewer problems in the growing season ahead.

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Ridgefield-New Milford-Westbrook at (203) 794-1290 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the Danbury, Guilford, Branford, and Ridgefield, CT areas.