Mosquito Spraying in Danville: Start Today For A Mosquito-Free Summer

An Aedes triseriatus mosquito found prior to providing Mosquito Spraying in Danville.

On a beautiful day, you want to spend time outside—without worrying about droves of mosquitoes using you as their latest meal. For properties in Danville, professional mosquito spraying from our team can prevent that from happening. We can treat existing mosquito populations, but that’s not all. We’ll also prevent new mosquitoes from setting up shop on your property, too.

A lot of people start scheduling mosquito treatments in the summer, when mosquito populations become increasingly noticeable. While our experts can always find and treat mosquitoes on your lawn, earlier is always better when it comes to spraying. Let’s take a look at the importance of early mosquito control.

Why You Need Mosquito Control Early 

Mosquito populations flourish in California’s warm climate, but recent years have brought a significant uptick in these pesky bugs. Scheduling treatment now can help you maximize the results of mosquito control. Here’s why:

  • Mosquitoes survive the cold months. You may not see mosquitoes during the cool months, but that’s not because they’re gone. In fact, many species of mosquitoes simply become inactive as the weather cools. Once it gets warmer, the eggs they’ve already laid will begin to hatch. In Danville, you’ll likely start seeing these little biters in early April.
  • Warmer weather causes far more mosquitoes. Once mosquitoes start appearing, they also start breeding and laying eggs again. New generations will be able to lay eggs within a couple of weeks, which means you’ll start to see a meteoric rise in mosquito populations around your yard.
  • An earlier start can deliver summer-long impact. When it comes to mosquito control, earlier is always better. Mosquito spraying in the spring can put a halt to growing adult mosquito populations, while ensuring that larvae don’t have a chance to survive. Our experts can use a wide range of strategies to keep these bugs off your turf.

Get Started With Mosquito Spraying in Danville 

With our lawn care team, you can always schedule mosquito spraying for your property. We treat homes and businesses in:

  • Danville
  • Blackhawk
  • Concord
  • Walnut Creek
  • Alamo
  • And throughout the surrounding area

You can always count on our mosquito control to deliver results. We even offer a treatment guarantee—if you’re ever unhappy with a spraying, we’ll come back and re-treat your property, at no extra cost to you. Our team is committed to earning your satisfaction with every visit.

Enjoy a summer without mosquitoes in Danville! To schedule your mosquito spraying services, just get in touch today.