Tick Control in White Marsh

Closeup picture of a tick found prior to providing Tick Control in White Marsh

When ticks are crawling around your home’s outdoor areas, they can make spending time outside a danger to your health. Fighting these pests on your own can be tough, which is just one of the reasons why it’s best to leave it to our team of pros at Lawn Doctor of Collegeville-Upper Providence-Upper Merion. With our advanced approach to tick control, we bring safer lawns to our neighbors spanning the entire White Marsh, PA area.

Tick Control Steps You Can Take for a Safer Lawn

Getting tick infestations under control and keeping your yard protected in the long run requires professional treatments. However, there are a few quick ways you can deter ticks from entering your outdoor spaces and contribute to keeping their numbers lower in the long run. Here’s a closer look at some of these easy steps:

Reduce Potential Mouse Hideouts

When mice and other small creatures that can potentially carry ticks creep into your yard, it can lead to an infestation. These critters are drawn to areas that are cluttered or covered in debris like leaf litter and fallen tree branches. Clearing away this debris can keep mice and other rodents out of your yard, keeping tick numbers down in the process.

Create a Tick Barrier

Ticks can easily cross into your yard from wooded areas or fields of tall grass if there isn’t a barrier between the two. Laying down a simple barrier of a few inches wide with strips of tree bark or wood chips can be an effective way to prevent ticks from crossing over onto your property.

The Benefits of Our Professional Tick Control in White Marsh

Working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Collegeville-Upper Providence-Upper Merlon means choosing local lawn care experts who know what it takes to bring you dependable results. We use a proven combination of cutting-edge products and a comprehensive treatment plan to quickly remove ticks from your yard and prevent new populations from developing in the future.

We offer flexible tick control solutions to our neighbors located all over the area. Here are the communities we serve:

  • White Marsh
  • Collegeville
  • Phoenixville
  • King of Prussia
  • Upper Providence
  • Upper Merion
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

Ready to learn more about our comprehensive treatment programs? To learn more about our tick control in White Marsh, contact us today!