Lawn Weed Control in Chesapeake, VA

lawn care company in Deep Creek

With Chesapeake, VA, weed control from the talented and experienced team at Lawn Doctor, you can say goodbye to troublesome weeds once and for all. Our customers rely on our environmentally friendly and highly effective techniques for the fastest way to a healthy green landscape.


MYTH: Weed control is simple, I can buy homeowner products and easily eliminate weeds from my lawn.

FACT: Some weeds are easy to control, while others take time. Complicating matters is the little known fact that THERE ARE NO PROVEN BROADLEAF WEED PREVENTERS. Therefore, weeds can and sometimes do appear between applications.

QUESTION: I have a very weedy lawn. Can Lawn Doctor help control my weeds better than I can on my own? What can I expect?

ANSWER: We have helped many homeowners solve weed problems that they struggle with unsuccessfully for years. The key to our success is the accuracy with which we apply our weed controls, and our knowledge of the best products to use for difficult to control weeds. You need to be aware that weed control takes time in a lawn with millions of weed seeds planted and ready to germinate at varying times throughout the year. The first two years are critical and are the most challenging. Though you need to be prepared for periodic weed outbreaks during this period, remember that Lawn Doctor is ready to spray weeds at no cost to you anytime you have more weeds than you care to have. Yes, we do work harder on most weedy lawns, but customers who take advantage of our service often become our best customers in future years!


QUESTION: Does this mean that I have to accept weeds in my lawn?

ANSWER: No. Every year, every season, and most importantly every lawn is different. At Lawn Doctor we take considerable pride in providing service to our customers. While no one can prevent broadleaf weed germination, Lawn Doctor can keep weeds down to acceptable levels by providing you with extra weed sprays (at no cost to you!!) anytime you have more weeds than YOU care to have.

QUESTION: What can I do to minimize weeds in m lawn?

ANSWER: First, don’t mow too low. Be especially careful around the edges. You may want to raise your mower to its highest setting for the outer edge. Secondly, don’t water frequently. For well-established lawns watering deeply (1 hour at a time) once or twice per week in the summer is preferred. Daily watering encourages weed seed germination.

Call 757.436.4265 today to schedule your FREE On-Site evaluation!