Residential Lawn Care in Chesapeake: Six Lawn Terms to Know

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Chesapeake

Are you worried about your lawn’s health? Our residential lawn care technicians care for lawns across the Chesapeake area and offer services that remedy common lawn issues. Whether your soil is lacking nutrients, weeds are taking over, or your lawn is stressed by external threats, we’ll be able to improve its health by leaps and bounds through our professional treatments.

Common Residential Lawn Care Terms You May Encounter

We offer free lawn care estimates during which we determine each yard’s specific problems and the best approach for remedying them. As our experts are assessing your lawn, you may hear us use some of the following residential lawn care terms:

Fertilizer. Fertilizer is a type of treatment that offers a source of essential nutrition for grass. We may suggest ongoing fertilizer treatments that address any specific nutrient deficiencies present on your lawn.

Nitrogen. Nitrogen is a nutrient that plants, including grass, need in significant quantities. Nitrogen facilitates photosynthesis, thus helping grass take on that beautiful green color homeowners often struggle to achieve.

Thatch. Thatch is the accumulation of plant material that develops between the surface of the soil and the grass growing in your yard. A thin layer of thatch is useful for turf health, but too much prevents moisture from reaching grass roots.

Compaction. When your yard is used heavily, the soil can become dense and compacted. Compaction suffocates grass roots and cuts them off from nutrients and water.

Core aeration. Core aeration is a process that involves coring out plugs of soil and grass from the lawn and offers an excellent solution to problems such as compaction and excess thatch.

Herbicide. Herbicide is a type of treatment that is used to target and kill weeds.

We Can Help With Residential Lawn Care in Chesapeake

During an initial assessment of your lawn, we’ll point out issues such as compaction, thatch-build up, or a lack of nitrogen that could be preventing your grass from experiencing healthy growth. Then, we can create a customized plan of services that includes one-time or ongoing treatments to resolve the issues plaguing your landscape.

Contact us today for details about getting started with guaranteed residential lawn care services in:

  • Chesapeake
  • Great Bridge
  • Deep Creek
  • Norfolk County
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For residential lawn care that brings results, guaranteed, contact our Chesapeake team today!