Fall Lawn Weed Control in Chattanooga

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass showing lawn weed control in ChattanoogaWeeds are most popularly known for tormenting your lawn in the spring and summer, but fall weeds can be just as much of a threat to your lawn as the weeds that go through germination in the warmer months. Fall weeds can be extremely resilient, and they can survive through the winter to invade your lawn once warmer weather returns. Keeping your lawn’s fall weed population in check is a big step not only in maintaining a great-looking lawn in the fall, but also in cutting down on the amount of weeds that pop up in your lawn throughout the rest of the year. To make this process easier and achieve a healthy lawn year-round, Lawn Doctor of Chattanooga brings comprehensive lawn weed control programs to our neighbors throughout the Chattanooga, Cleveland, Ooltewah, Hixson, Ringgold, Signal Mountain, and Lookout Mountain, TN areas.

The Importance of Controlling Fall Lawn Weeds

Controlling weeds in the fall is essential to maintaining a healthy lawn throughout the rest of the year. We do not use a pre-emergent on Fescue lawns in the fall because it is seeding time. We will add the pre-emergent to all Bermuda and zoysia lawns before they go dormant in October/November.

If fall weeds have already taken root, it takes a more direct approach to clear them from your lawn. Active fall weeds can be eradicated with dedicated spot treatments of post-emergent weed control products, which will address weeds that have already germinated and limit their ability to spread, isolating the damage they can cause to your lawn.

Flexible & Guaranteed Lawn Weed Control for the Chattanooga Area

DIY weed control can come along with its fair share of headaches. At Lawn Doctor of Chattanooga, we take the headaches out of keeping your lawn looking great by offering guaranteed weed control services implemented on the schedule that works best for you.

With our proven lawn weed control programs, we improve the health and appearance of lawns in Chattanooga, Cleveland, Ooltewah, Hixson, Ringgold, Signal Mountain, Lookout Mountain, and the surrounding communities.

Call Lawn Doctor of Chattanooga today at (423) 708-7900 to schedule your free lawn weed control estimate.