Lawn Maintenance in Blue Bell: Tips for Thicker Growth

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Maintenance in Blue Bell

Every home looks better with thick, lush grass covering the lawn. However, there are several moving parts involved in achieving and maintaining thick grass, and navigating all these parts on your own can be tricky. To help you wrap your head around what it takes to keep your grass healthy and thick, we’ll take a look at a few key tips below. We’ll also go through how our team can help you get these steps done correctly and why it’s beneficial to sign up for professional lawn maintenance in Blue Bell.

Top Tips for Thick Grass

It takes a handful of different steps to maintain healthy grass and keep it lush and thick through the seasons. Here’s a closer look at a few of these tips:

Effective Fertilization. Your lawn relies on a healthy balance of nutrients to stay healthy and produce thick grass. This is where fertilization comes in. However, determining which nutrients are needed and in what quantities is a lot to take on alone. Phosphorous is the nutrient most directly responsible for thick grass, but it needs to be balanced with the other nutrients. That’s where our professional lawn fertilization solutions come in.

Aeration. When your soil is compacted, it’s difficult for your yard to produce healthy, thick grass. Compacted soil blocks your root systems off from the resources it needs to thrive, leading to lasting health issues. Aeration is crucial when it comes to breaking compacted soil apart, but handheld aeration is extremely labor-intensive and renting core aerators on your own can be cumbersome and expensive. To avoid these headaches and get aeration you can trust, leave it to us.

Weed Control. Weeds can affect the health of your grass by taking away the nutrients it needs to thrive. With our professional weed control solutions, we’ll quickly eliminate a complete range of both grassy and broadleaf weeds.

Our Hassle-Free Lawn Maintenance in Blue Bell

Achieving and maintaining thick, healthy grass doesn’t have to be an inconvenient process. You don’t have to be at home for our team to treat your yard, saving you time while also bringing you a lawn you can be proud of.

We utilize proven lawn maintenance solutions to bring thicker grass to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Blue Bell
  • Doylestown
  • Ambler
  • Warrington
  • Warminster
  • Chalfont
  • North Wales
  • New Hope
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

To learn about our professional lawn maintenance options, contact our Blue Bell team today!