Ask the Cary Lawn Care Experts: How Can I Prevent Diseases in My Yard?

Close up of blades of lawn care grassWhen it comes to diseases in your lawn, it’s always easier to prevent them in the first place. However, lawns are more susceptible than you might think. All it takes is a missing nutrient or too much moisture, and suddenly you’ll notice mottled grass or brown spots in your lawn. The good news is that according to Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex, there are some easy lawn care steps homeowners in Cary, NC can take to care for their lawns and boost disease resistance. Here’s a look at them:

Feed your lawn. If your lawn doesn’t have a good balance of key nutrients, then it’s going to be more vulnerable to diseases.  Also, it’s going to take longer to recover from summer activities, as well as environmental stressors, like heat and drought – again, making it more vulnerable. So have a good fertilization plan in place and deliver the right blend of nutrients at best times during the year.

Water properly. When grass blades are wet – especially overnight – they become a prime target for leaf diseases. That’s why it’s important to only water in the early morning, between 6 and 9 a.m. This ensures your lawn gets the right amount of hydration and still has plenty of time to dry.

Use a fungicide. If your lawn has had a problem with lawn diseases in the past, or you want to prevent one in the future, consider a fungicide application. These products provide systemic protection against diseases, as long as you follow the directions exactly.

Perform a soil test. If your soil isn’t well-balanced, your grass is going to suffer as a result. But how can you tell what your lawn needs? With a soil test. When you test your soil, you’ll be able to determine the exact deficiencies in your lawn, as well as what chemical factors are impacting growth and vitality.

Plant the right grass types. Preventing disease in your lawn also involves planting the right grass types. In the Cary area, this can be tricky because we’re in what is called the “transition zone.” That means it gets cold enough in winter to make it tough to maintain warm-season grasses, while it gets so hot in summer that it’s hard on cool-season grasses.

As a result, it’s important to talk with lawn care professionals, like those at Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex, to determine the grass type that will perform best in your lawn and be most resistant to disease.

Protect Your Lawn with Care from Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex

Keeping your lawn healthy and strong – year-round – requires the right care and maintenance. If you don’t have the time to deliver it, let the lawn care experts at Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex help. Whether your lawn needs pH balancing and fertilization or aeration, seeding, and weed control, we can identify weaknesses, create a customized lawn care plan, and deliver it using our proprietary equipment. You’ll get a stronger, healthier lawn – one more resistant to diseases – as a result.

For your no-cost, no-obligation consultation, call Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex today at 919.362.1808. We deliver lawn care services to customers in Cary, Chapel Hill, Wake Forest, Durham and Apex, as well as in the neighboring communities.