Flea Control in Cary: Tips for Pet Owners

Girl sitting and hugging her dog

Did you know fleas can cause serious health problems for cats, dogs, and other mammals? If you have pets at home, you cannot afford to ignore this threat. Fortunately, with our expert flea control service, Lawn Doctor of Cary-Apex provides an effective solution. We offer comprehensive treatments to destroy these pests, stifle their offspring, and protect your home.

As an additional precaution, we recommend that every homeowner take steps to defend their pets from these creatures. Let’s start by going over five ways to reduce the risk of flea-borne illness for your household pets.

Protecting Your Pets From Fleas

Here are our tips for reducing flea issues:

  • Limit outdoor time. By keeping your pets indoors, you can limit their exposure to fleas.
  • Stop wildlife. Fleas are often carried around and transferred by wild mammals such as deer, so be sure to prevent these creatures from invading your yard.
  • Bathe them regularly. If you bathe your pets regularly, it can kill off any fleas that are attached.
  • Inspect their fur. Fleas will lay eggs within your animals’ fur, so inspect under the surface with your fingers to find masses of flea eggs.
  • Consult your vet. Talk to your vet about putting your creatures on specialized flea prevention protocols.

Our Guaranteed Flea Control Service for Cary Residents

Fleas can completely overwhelm your yard and compromise the health of your pets. Did you know that their eggs, larvae, and pupae can make up nearly 90% of their total population? This means that the adult population will explode if you allow it. However, by taking action and securing our expert support, you can reduce fleas and stop them from breeding around your yard.

We take this issue very seriously and are proud of our ability to protect local pets. We secure our flea control treatments with our leading satisfaction guarantee, so you can always count on our experts to get the job done right. We offer our services throughout:

  • Cary
  • Chapel Hill
  • Durham
  • Apex
  • Pittsboro
  • Sanford
  • and the surrounding areas

For flea control in Cary, contact us today!