Lawn Care Services in Camp Hill: About Our Services

girl holding puppy thinking about lawn care services in Camp HillDon’t look at your neighbor’s lawn and get green with envy. At Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg, we know you too can have a yard with vibrant color, thick growth, and healthy natural defenses. It’s all just a phone call away with our lawn care services designed for homeowners all over the Camp Hill and Mechanicsburg, PA areas. Just some of the solutions we’re known for include:

Fertilization: With our lawn care services from Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg, we rely on fertilization products that are slow-release, so your lawn receives essential nutrients over an extended period of time. This steady supply leads to better color and optimal growth, while also reducing the risk of pests, diseases, and fungus.

pH Balancing / Lime: The right pH levels ensure maximum nutrient availability, slowing down thatch build-up and making fertilizers more effective. With the lawn care services from  Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg, we will test your soil and make amendments if it’s not providing the healthy growing conditions your grass needs to flourish.

Grub Control: These small insects can do big-time damage to your lawn because they feed on roots. So if you’re noticing a problem, call in our team of lawn care service experts in Camp Hill for an evaluation. We can provide swift treatment to minimize damage and deliver long-lasting protection so grubs don’t come back.

Lawn Maintainer Program: At Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg, our annual lawn care service program is a convenient and affordable way to ensure your lawn gets vital fertilization and weed control treatments. We’ll examine your lawn, customize our approach, and take care of nourishing and protecting it at critical points during the year.

Weed Control: If you prefer stand-alone weed control, Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg has the powerful solutions you need. We know the species most common to the area, and how to treat and suppress them. Not only that, but our services are multi-faceted, offering options for controlling broadleaf, grassy, and pre-emergent weeds.

Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg: For Proven Lawn Care Services

Whatever lawn care services you need us for, Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg always relies on proprietary equipment, premium materials, and experienced professionals. We are green grass experts and want to give you the yard you’ve been dreaming of. So if you’re tired of poor color and weak results, call in our professional team. We can bring your lawn to life and make it the envy of the block.

Call Lawn Doctor of Camp Hill-Mechanicsburg PA today at 717.774.2446 to learn more about our lawn care services and book your free consultation.