Lawn Aeration in Burlington

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Burlington

Lawn aeration is an important part of growing and caring for healthy turf in Burlington, NJ. Unfortunately, many homeowners lose sight of aeration when caring for their lawns. As a result, they end up with patches of struggling turf grass, even with regular watering and fertilization.

At Lawn Doctor of Burlington-Willingboro, we offer an easy and proven approach to lawn aeration. Thanks to Turf Tamer® technology, we easily restore poorly aerated sections of soil. With routine aeration treatments, we can also prevent these problems from occurring in the first place, allowing your turf to thrive.

The Importance of Lawn Aeration in the Burlington Area

Everyone knows how important it is to water and fertilize turf. But not all homeowners are clear on the importance of lawn aeration.

The principle behind aeration is simple. Your turf needs air and water to thrive, both of which get absorbed through turf’s roots. When soil is properly aerated, small gaps and channels in the soil allow air and water to pass through. If soil becomes compacted, these passageways get sealed off, resulting in problems for turf.

There are a few reasons why soil might become compacted, including regular foot traffic or heavy objects being left in place. Another common reason is rainfall. If water tends to pool or puddle in certain areas, this can compress the soil underneath.

In addition to compacted soil, aeration problems are sometimes caused by lawn thatch. This is a thin layer of dead plant matter (like grass clippings and leaf debris) that builds up on top of the soil. If this layer becomes too thick, it will stop air and water from filtering down to the soil underneath.

Unsure whether your lawn is suffering from aeration problems? We suggest contacting our experts. If you have sections of struggling turf, we can easily diagnose the cause of the problem and provide a suitable treatment.

Core Aeration for Your Burlington Lawn

There are two techniques you can use for lawn aeration. One is spike aeration, which uses a roller to punch small holes into the soil. The other is core aeration, which uses special equipment to remove small cylinders of soil—known as cores—out of your lawn.

Of these two techniques, core aeration is known for more effective and longer lasting results. That’s why we exclusively rely on core aeration for our aeration treatments. We use our exclusive line of Turf Tamer® equipment to perform these treatments, ensuring consistent results for your lawn.

Lawn Doctor of Burlington-Willingboro offers core aeration services in:

  • Burlington
  • Willingboro
  • Beverly
  • Delanco
  • Edgewater Park
  • and in surrounding areas

For lawn aeration in Burlington, contact us today!