Grass Care in Burlington: What to Do Between Treatments

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Burlington

There’s a wide range of grass care issues and external threats that can pop up in your lawn through the seasons. At Lawn Doctor of Burlington-Willingboro, we offer proven treatments to boost your lawn’s health and appearance, but keeping your yard protected from external threats and looking great over time, there are a few key steps that should be taken between treatments. We’ll highlight a few of these steps below to give you a head start on keeping your yard at 100% in the long run.

Steps to Take Between Professional Grass Care Treatments

Let’s take a quick look at some of the steps you can take between our grass care treatments to maintain a healthier lawn and keep external threats at bay:

Eliminate weeds. Weeds are a constant threat, which is why a dedicated weed prevention plan is essential. Our top-notch weed control treatments help you fight active weeds and pre-emergent weeds, but these pesky plants can quickly sprout up between applications. To prevent weeds from migrating into your yard between treatments, we’ll work with you to determine your weed risk factors and come up with effective prevention steps.

Create a designated pet area. Pet spots can wreak havoc on your lawn, causing discoloration and dead spots all over the place. To avoid this, it can be helpful to designate a single area in your yard for your pets to do their business. Adding an additional layer like gravel or mulch to this area can reduce the damage your pets can do to your lawn while also improving its overall look.

Service your mower. Your equipment plays a big part in the results you’re able to get when it comes to mowing. Dull blades can lead to issues by ripping grass blades instead of delivering a clean cut. This can cause the edges of your grass to develop a ragged, discolored edge that results in a brown, unkempt appearance. For greener grass and a tidier-looking lawn, make sure to sharpen or replace mower blades when they become worn.

Our Proven Grass Care for Burlington Homeowners

At Lawn Doctor of Burlington-Willingboro, we utilize comprehensive grass care to effectively boost the health and appearance of your lawn. And with the combination of these proven treatments and your regular upkeep, you’ll have a lawn that looks its best in the long run.

Our proven grass care is available to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Burlington
  • Willingboro
  • Edgewater Park
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

Grass care in Burlington doesn’t have to be stressful or difficult. Contact us today to learn how our team of professionals can bring results to your lawn, stress free!