Spring Lawn Care in Bridgewater: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Green grass from Lawn Doctor's Spring Lawn Care in Bridgewater.

Want a lawn that blooms green and bright in spring? What you do now in it matters. In fact, as spring lawn care experts serving the Bridgewater, NJ area, Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater knows that by making the right moves in the coming weeks, you’ll be able to protect your turf and help it make a beautiful comeback in the next growing season. Here are some ways we can help you do that.

How Our Expert Spring Lawn Care in Bridgewater Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

At Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater, we can deliver a range of care and services that will keep your yard strong during winter and into the spring season ahead, including:

  • pH balancing. The quality of the soil your lawn grows in is critical to its overall health. That’s why testing it is so important. With Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater’s pH balancing service, we’ll assess the level in your soil and adjust it if necessary. This will help roots absorb the key nutrients needed to survive winter.
  • Fertilization. Giving your lawn a good dose of nutrition before harsh weather hits is another step that will protect your grass during the weeks ahead. This is especially important when it comes to snow mold, which arises during wet, cold conditions. By fertilizing, you’ll reduce the chances of an infection.
  • Weed control. Problems with weeds will only get worse if they aren’t dealt with speedily. That’s why applying a treatment to any weedy spots is important. Taking care of them early will help to suppress them more easily instead of letting them populate your lawn and dealing with an overgrowth in spring.

What Spring Lawn Care Steps You Can Take in Bridgewater to Create a Strong Comeback

Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater is your source not only for care that will set your grass up for more success in spring, but also key tips and advice on what you can do to help in the process. This includes by winterizing your mower to ensure blades are sharp and ready for action in the next growing season, as well as ensuring salt from your driveway and sidewalks doesn’t get on your lawn. Also, be sure to remove any debris, such as leaf piles, before the snow hits. If left in place, these could create dark, wet conditions that are ideal for infections.

For spring lawn care in Bridgewater, NJ, contact Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater today for a free consultation! We also offer spring lawn care in other nearby areas, including Springfield, Summit, Flemington, and Clinton.