Lawn Weed Control Service in Springfield

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Lawn Weed Control Service in Springfield

Weeds are extremely invasive plants, and keeping them out of your yard is made much more difficult when your neighbors’ yards are covered in them. Taking a few specific steps is crucial to fighting weeds and keeping them out of your lawn in the long run, especially when they’ve already invaded lawns that are in close proximity to yours. Below, we’ll go through these steps to give you a head start in the fight against these pesky plants. And for comprehensive protection, we offer advanced lawn weed control service to our neighbors spanning the entire Springfield, NJ area.

Essential Tips to Control Weeds in Local Lawns

Keeping local weeds out of your yard requires taking a few key steps. Here’s a quick look at some of the tips we recommend for Springfield residents to help prevent their neighbors’ weeds from taking over their lawns:

Installing a Fence or Planting Hedges. Wind-blown seeds are one of the most common ways for weeds to spread, and this method allows them to spread quickly over large areas. Installing a fence of planting thick hedges can provide an effective barrier against these seeds, preventing them from taking over your yard.

Mulch or Gravel. Bare spots on your lawn are easy for weeds to take over. To prevent this from happening while also improving the overall look of your home’s exterior areas, you can cover bare areas with mulch or gravel. Adding landscaping fabric underneath provides extra protection.

Edging Your Yard. Weeds can also creep into your yard through their root systems, which is why underground barriers are essential. Composite or steel edging pieces can prevent the root systems of neighborhood weeds from expanding into your yard.

How Our Lawn Weed Control Service Protects Springfield Lawns

To keep local lawns protected from weeds in the long run, we offer top-notch weed control services. From pre-emergent and active weed control treatments to actively fight weeds, to fertilization that boosts your lawn’s natural defenses, we have what it takes to keep your yard healthy and protected from weeds through the seasons.

We offer proven lawn weed control service to homeowners in these areas:

  • Springfield
  • Bridgewater
  • Summit
  • Flemington
  • Clinton
  • Hillsborough
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

Ready to learn more? To get started with our lawn weed control service in Springfield, contact us today!