Residential Lawn Care Service in Bowling Green: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care Service in Bowling Green

When it comes to maintaining your lawn, there’s a ton of information out there surrounding methods, time-saving hacks, and ways to get the most out of your maintenance efforts. However, not all of this information is reliable, and including some of the steps out there in your overall lawn maintenance routine can lead to significant issues. We’ll examine some common myths surrounding residential lawn care services in the Bowling Green, KY area below to help you avoid them.

Residential Lawn Care Myths to Avoid

There’s an infinite number of lawn care myths out there. Here are a few of the most common ones to stop believing:

Watering daily is ideal.

Watering your lawn every single day, along with taking a lot of time, can actually result in weaker grass. Watering every day trains your roots to remain at a shallow depth, making them less resistant to external threats and unfavorable weather conditions. For stronger, healthier grass, make sure to water deeply just once or twice per week.

Spiked shoes aerate your lawn while you mow.

One of the most common lawn care myths out there is that wearing spiked shoes while mowing will aerate your soil. However, along with being shown to be ineffective at aerating your lawn, this method can also cause your soil to become even more compacted. For effective aeration, traditional methods like core aeration are the way to go.

Fertilization once or twice per year is plenty.

The goal of fertilizing your lawn is to provide it with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy in the long run. Fertilizing just once or twice in a year isn’t enough to maintain the balance needed for healthy, consistent grass growth. To avoid imbalances and deficiencies, it’s best to fertilize 4-6 times per year.

Our Proven Residential Lawn Care Service in Bowling Green

Working with us means getting results you can depend on every time. We take the uncertainty out of maintaining a great-looking lawn with our complete range of proven residential lawn care solutions.

We offer professional residential lawn care services to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Bowling Green
  • Alvaton
  • Franklin
  • Woodburn
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care service in Bowling Green, contact us today!