Spring Lawn Care in Ocean City: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Ocean City

Temperatures continue to drop and, as a result, you’re not spending a lot of time outdoors. But your lawn is still facing wintry weather and has to be protected if you want green, lush growth in the next season. And the professionals at Lawn Doctor of The Lower Eastern Shore can help with the job. We’re experts in spring lawn care across the Ocean City, MD area, meaning we not only understand what your grass needs when it’s actively growing, but also now – during cold weather – to pave the way for a great return.

How Our Ocean City Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

When grass is dormant, all its energy is being rerouted to the root system. This means blades are more brittle and weak, making them vulnerable to injury, disease, and other problems. But when you hire Lawn Doctor of The Lower Eastern Shore for lawn care during winter, spring, or any season in the Ocean City area, we can keep it healthier and stronger, so it’s far less susceptible to threats. We do this through our:

Annual programs. Our annual Lawn Maintainer program includes a unique blend of weed and pest control, as well as fertilization, to keep your grass well-fueled and fed, all while preventing issues with weeds and pests. Applications are delivered at carefully planned out points of the year, designed to maximize beauty and health.

Individual treatments. With our seasonal treatments, we’ll assess your yard to identify what it needs, then offer recommendations for the ways we can best care for it. From pH balancing and fertilization to weed control and more, we’ve got your turf covered, so it can stand strong against adverse conditions.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

Lawn Doctor of The Lower Eastern Shore also knows that when it comes to your lawn, there are steps you need to take to help it through the season, so it bounces back beautifully once spring returns to the Ocean City area. This includes salting carefully to avoid getting any on your lawn, which can strip moisture from the soil. It also includes minimizing damaging foot traffic, as well as clearing out debris and clutter like leaves and twigs, that can suffocate grass and trigger disease.

For more on spring lawn care in Ocean City, MD, contact us today for a free consultation! We also offer spring lawn care in other nearby areas, including those in Salisbury, Berlin, and on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.