Fall Lawn Care in Ocean City: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in Ocean CitySick of seeing a so-so lawn every spring? There are steps you can take now to dramatically improve its health and appearance in the next growing season. And at Lawn Doctor of The Lower Eastern Shore, we’re here to help. As a top provider of fall lawn care in the Ocean City, MD area, we know that taking these small steps will reap big results down the line:

Keep up with watering. Even though temperatures are dropping, don’t put down that hose just yet. If local Ocean City-area rainfall isn’t reaching around an inch a week, include watering on your fall lawn care list so grass survives in winter and thrives in spring.

Keep leaves off your lawn. Your grass needs air and sunlight to maintain good health. If leaves are piling up, these can get in the way and create conditions ripe for a fungal infection. Don’t let that happen in your yard. Make sure you’re raking around once a week.

Keep soil in good health. If your yard experienced a lot of foot traffic during summer, compaction can become a problem. This stops the flow of air, water, and nutrition from reaching roots. You can easily loosen conditions by aerating your lawn.

Keep turf thick. Whether there are a few problem areas or your grass is weak or thin overall, autumn is an ideal time to seed. Its cooler, wetter weather can promote higher germination rates, helping to repair damaged locations or boost turf density overall.

Keep grass well-fed. Now’s the best time to fertilize your yard. This will help it to build energy supplies heading into winter, so it greens up faster and grows back stronger in spring. Just make sure you’re following Maryland’s Lawn Fertilizer Law when you do.

Let Ocean City’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

Investing some extra effort now can reap dazzling results in spring. Don’t have the time? Let the Ocean City area’s fall lawn care team help. At Lawn Doctor of The Lower Eastern Shore, we know local turf, how it grows and what it needs at specific points of the season. While you rake and water, we’ll treat your grass like clockwork so it comes back thriving in the spring ahead.

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of The Lower Eastern Shore at (410) 641-3111 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the Ocean City, Salisbury, and Berlin areas, as well as on the Eastern Shore of MD.