Grub Control in Waterloo: 3 Signs of Grub Problems

Grub Control in Waterloo

The quality of your lawn depends heavily on the strength of your root system, so when grubs invade your soil and chew up your roots, this presents a major problem. Fortunately, with our detailed grub control services for local homes, Lawn Doctor of Belleville-Columbia-Waterloo can prevent future issues, stop your active infestation, and restore your healthy green landscape.

Let’s start by reviewing three potential warning signs that these pests have infiltrated your soil.

Signs of a Current Grub Infestation

The first thing to look for when it comes to grubs is the presence of beetles around your yard. That’s because grubs are the larvae of beetles, and these insects will often hover above your turf once they’ve laid their eggs. Other warning signs of a grub infestation include:

  • Lawn damage. By attacking your root system, these tiny pests can cause a number of negative effects throughout your yard. Their infestation often produces a bland yellow color, sparse growth, spongy conditions and other problems.
  • Drought-like conditions. Due to the deterioration of your roots, a grub-infested lawn will struggle to absorb enough moisture, leading to drought-like conditions despite your frequent watering attempts.
  • Animal activity. With their place in the food chain, grubs can bring additional harm to your landscape by attracting wild animals. Critters like raccoons, birds, moles, and others will often tear through the upper layers of your lawn to gain access to the nutrient-dense larvae squirming below.

Our Professional Grub Control in Waterloo

When it comes to dealing with grubs, it’s always best to act early. In fact, you don’t even need to have an active grub infestation to benefit from our grub control. So, while it’s helpful to know the warning signs of a grub infestation, you shouldn’t wait around until these pests are chewing on your roots. By taking action before there’s an active issue, our team can apply a preventative treatment that has proven to stop beetle eggs before they turn into grubs.

For yards with an ongoing grub issue, we can apply our grub control treatment and swiftly neutralize the threat. Once we finish, we’ll take a look at the damage they’ve caused and use that info to create a customized lawn restoration plan for your property.

With our proactive treatments and comprehensive support, Lawn Doctor of Belleville-Columbia-Waterloo can protect your yard from these harmful pests. We offer our grub control throughout:

  • Waterloo
  • Belleville
  • Columbia
  • Swansea
  • Shiloh
  • Millstadt
  • Mascoutah
  • and the surrounding areas

For grub control for your home in Waterloo, contact us today!