Grub Control in Bartlett: A Homeowner’s Guide

Grub Control in Bartlett

As a supplement to our grub control service for Bartlett homeowners, Lawn Doctor of Eastern Shelby County would like to provide a detailed homeowner’s guide to inform you about the potential impact of a grub infestation. Let’s get started.

Why Grub Activity is Bad For Your Lawn

These pests are the larvae of Japanese beetles that live in your soil and consume your roots. Over time, their nibbling can cause your root system to deteriorate, leading to poor conditions throughout your landscape. The negative effects of a grub infestation can include:

  • Poor growth. Your lawn will not get the nutrients it needs to sustain thick and hearty growth.
  • Bland color. Your beautiful green grass may turn a bland shade of yellow.
  • Dry conditions. Your lawn will suffer similar conditions to a drought despite consistent watering.
  • Animal activity. Raccoons, birds and other creatures will be drawn to your yard in search of an easy meal, digging into your turf to get to find the nutritious grubs below.

Warning Signs of a Grub infestation

If you are taking good care of your lawn but still experience sparse growth, bland yellow color, and dry conditions, there’s a good chance grubs are to blame. Also, be on the lookout for increased animal activity around your property, as many different species target grubs as a plentiful food source.

The Benefits of Our Professional Grub Control in Bartlett

With our expert service, Lawn Doctor of Eastern Shelby County can spare you from the hassle, expense, and ongoing frustration of a grub infestation. If you call our experts before grub activity begins, we can get ahead of the issue and stop those beetle eggs before they hatch into grubs. If you call us to deal with an ongoing infestation, we can provide quick and reliable support to neutralize those pests.

Once we complete our grub control treatment, our experienced professionals will develop a lawn restoration plan to repair the damage to your roots and overall lawn ecosystem. With our complete approach to grub control, you can count on our skilled experts to deliver great results from start to finish. Our service area includes:

  • Bartlett
  • Eastern Shelby County
  • Germantown
  • Collierville
  • and the surrounding areas

For grub control in Bartlett, contact us today.