Lawn Treatments in Bakersfield Keep Your Lawn Picture Perfect

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame showing lawn treatment in BakersfieldDon’t let appearances fool you. Just because your yard looks similar to the one next door or across the street doesn’t mean they require the same kind of care. In fact, generic approaches often yield less-than-stellar results. That’s where Lawn Doctor of Bakersfield can help. We not only offer a range of lawn treatments to homeowners across the Bakersfield, CA area, but then customize them around your specific property and its distinct traits. This all translates to the most effective care and more beautiful results.

With Lawn Doctor of Bakersfield, we offer many stand-alone treatments to meet the precise needs of your yard. These include grub control, nutsedge control, soil penetrants, aeration, and more. However, to achieve the most consistent results that better boost curb appeal and comfort, we always suggest our Monthly Maintainer Program. These offer basic, yet vital services that are fine-tuned around your yard. They include:

Care for turf. Lawn Doctor of Bakersfield offers our Lawn Maintainer treatment program, which combines monthly applications of fertilization and weed control. Both types of treatments are tailored and carefully scheduled around the specific needs of your lawn.

Care for trees and shrubs. With our Tree & Shrub Care program, we’ll keep your larger plantings in great health. It provides regular health evaluations to diagnose and treat issues with diseases and insects. We also deliver fertilization and micronutrient applications to give your larger plantings the nourishing essentials they need.

Care to keep ticks and mosquitoes away. With our Yard Armour® plans, our technicians will find out how these dangerous invaders are getting into your yard, then treat breeding and nesting hot spots. We’ll also provide regular sprays throughout the season to ensure you don’t have to think twice about mosquito and tick control.

Lawn Treatments in Bakersfield Backed by a 100% Guarantee

At Lawn Doctor of Bakersfield, you can count on our treatment for care of all kinds, whether you’re interested in a stand-alone service or an monthlyl plan, like the ones above. However, whatever you choose us for, you can always rest easy that you’ll be getting quality care, time and again. If, however, you’re not fully satisfied for some reason, we make it easy to solve the problem. Simply call our team and we promise to make it right with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

To learn more, call Lawn Doctor of Bakersfield CA today at (661) 399-5296 to set up your free consultation and find out more about our customized lawn treatments.