Grub Control in Bakersfield: Stop the Damage Early

Grub Control in BakersfieldA wide range of pests can pop up in your yard and cause damage. However, among all these pests, grubs are some of the most destructive. When you leave these pests unaddressed, they can completely kill off large sections of your lawn. And because grubs live under your lawn’s surface, it can be tough to identify and address infestations on your own. At Lawn Doctor of Bakersfield, we utilize proven grub control solutions to quickly eliminate these pests and prevent them from coming back in the future.

How Grubs Damage Your Yard

Grubs can quickly cause significant damage to your home’s outdoor spaces by feeding on your root systems. Grubs are the larval form of common beetle species. As beetles move into your yard, they’ll eventually make their way underground and lay their eggs there. As grubs emerge from their eggs, they’ll use the root systems that support your grass and other plants as their food source. And by chewing through your roots, these pests can cause a lot of damage in little time.

Our Grub Control in Bakersfield

To effectively fight grubs and keep them at bay in the long run, a few key steps need to be taken. Here’s a closer look at our grub control process:

Fighting Active Grubs

If grubs are currently crawling around underneath your lawn’s surface, it’s important to take action quickly. We’ll start the process of fighting these pests with an in-depth analysis of your yard. We’ll look for spongy grass, discoloration, the presence of beetles, and other grub signs to locate these pests. Once we determine that grubs are present, we’ll apply our grub control treatments to neutralize these pests before they can damage your yard any further. And to remedy any existing damage, we’ll use our full range of proven lawn treatments.

Preventative Grub Control

Keeping grubs out of your yard means taking an ongoing approach to fighting them. We use preventative treatments to maintain your yard’s defenses against these pests and prevent them from damaging your yard in the future.

We offer top-notch grub control to our neighbors located all over the area. Here are the communities we serve:

  • Bakersfield
  • Rosedale
  • Oildale
  • Shafter
  • Kern County
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For grub control in Bakersfield, contact us today!