Flea Control in Bakersfield: Tips for Pet Owners

Extreme closeup of blades of grass with tiny white flag. Picture is 384 x 365 in dimension.

When your yard is infested with pests, going outside can be a health hazard for your pets. When those pests are fleas, these health hazards can include infection, skin irritation, allergic reactions, and a long list of others. Because of how dangerous and invasive these tiny insects can be, keeping them off your pets and out of your yard is essential. Below, we’ll highlight a few important tips for keeping fleas off your pets, and how our team of flea control professionals in Bakersfield, CA can help you keep these insects at bay in the long run.

Steps for Keeping Fleas Off Your Pets

There are a handful of different steps you can take to keep fleas off your pets both at home and away from home. Let’s take a closer look at a few of these key steps:

At Home

To effectively protect your pets from fleas, it’s important to minimize their potential hiding spots on your property. Cleaning up collections of fallen branches and other clutter makes your yard less welcoming to fleas and keeps their numbers lower over time. Mowing any patches of tall grass can also help you keep flea numbers to a minimum and lower the chances of these pests attacking your dogs and cats. Regularly checking your pets for fleas and washing them with flea shampoos can address any fleas that jump onto your pets before they’re able to hurt them.

Away From Home

Even though you may not necessarily be able to clear away potential flea habitats when you’re away from home, there are still steps you can take to keep your pets protected. Making an effort to stay in the middle of hiking paths and walking trails in nature can help you avoid fleas, along with avoiding areas with tall grass or dense underbrush.

Our Proven Flea Control in Bakersfield

The best way to protect your pets from fleas is to fight them in your home’s outdoor spaces. At Lawn Doctor of Bakersfield, we utilize cutting-edge pest control products and a comprehensive approach to quickly eliminate fleas in your home’s outdoor spaces and prevent them from coming back in the future.

We offer comprehensive flea control to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Bakersfield
  • Shafter
  • Rosedale
  • Oildale
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For flea control in Bakersfield, contact us today!