Fall Lawn Care in Bakersfield: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in BakersfieldWant grass to come back a dazzling delight in the spring? Now’s the time to get it there. And at Lawn Doctor of Bakersfield, we can provide the help you need. As a top choice in local fall lawn care in the Bakersfield, CA area, we know the steps you take now can jumpstart greener, lusher grass in the next growing season. Here’s a look at a few:

Fertilize your grass. Your lawn uses up a lot of nutrients during the summer. So if it’s looking lackluster in fall, it’s no surprise. Give it a dose of fertilizer so it has the energy needed to recuperate and prepare for winter.

Deal with compacted soil. When you’re hosting many parties or have playtime in your yard a lot, soil can easily get compacted. This limits the amount of fertilizer, air, and water that can get to roots. Alleviate the condition through a simple aeration treatment.

Tackle pests. If you’re noticing areas of your lawn dying off, it could be due to a grub infestation. To check, cut back a small piece of your turf. If you see more than five per square foot, then treat your lawn with an appropriate product.

Mow and water. Both of these tasks are critically important to the overall health of your turf. Continue to cut your lawn, never removing more than 1/3 at a time. Also, put watering on your lawn care to-do list when rainfall in the Bakersfield area isn’t reaching an inch a week. If you’re not sure, use a rain gauge.

Treat weeds. Fall is an ideal time of year in the Bakersfield area to treat broadleaf weeds. They’re storing up energy from their surroundings to prepare for winter. The product you apply will therefore get absorbed right into the root system, wiping out the plant in the process.

Let Bakersfield’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

Did summer take a toll on your lawn? Looking for a professional team to help it bounce back? This fall, call in the lawn care experts at Lawn Doctor of Bakersfield. While you stay busy mowing and watering, we can handle a range of other treatments, all custom-designed for your yard. It will get what it needs, like clockwork, setting the stage for greener, lusher growth in the spring season.

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of Bakersfield at (661) 399-5296 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care across the Bakersfield, CA area.