About Lawn Doctor of Auburn, AL

Grub Control in Montgomery

Also Serving Opelika, Lagrange, and Montgomery

Lawn Doctor provides high quality lawn care, tree and shrub care and pest control services to our customers and we pride ourselves on helping you maintain a healthy lawn. Local knowledge is what makes our experienced professionals different. We understand AL’s lawn care – our seasons, our soil, our climate and what kind of turf is best for your yard and even how you should take care of it between Lawn Doctor visits.

Lawn Doctor has been providing beautiful, healthy lawns across the nation for over 45 years. That’s why we lead the industry with over 460 locations in over 40 states. Our national network ensures that our professionals adhere to the standards you expect and allow them to share best practices between locations.

Call 334.264.5296 to schedule your FREE On-Site evaluation today.