Spring Lawn Care in Manassas: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

extremely green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Manassas.

Your yard might be the furthest thing from your mind during this busy time of year. But when you take a few small steps now and in the weeks ahead, you can have a big impact on your turf in the next growing season. And the team at Lawn Doctor of Woodbridge-Manassas-Dumfries is here to help. As spring lawn care specialists serving the Manassas, VA area, we understand the needs of your grass now and ways to protect it during winter. To do that, here are some tips to follow.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

While your grass is dormant in winter, it’s also brittle and more vulnerable to damage as a result. Therefore, there are a few critical lawn care steps to keep in mind during the Manassas area’s winter season to promote better growth in spring. These include:

Minimizing foot traffic. When it’s cold and especially if your lawn is frozen, it’s far more likely to be damaged from foot traffic. So try to limit the time spent on it.

Using salt sparingly. If you’re salting your driveway or walkways, make sure you’re careful with your approach. Regular exposure can cause damage or even lead grass to die off in areas.

Removing clutter and debris. If there are leaves and wood piles, or twigs and branches on your lawn, they’re stopping air and sunlight from getting to grass. This can lead to rot and infections. That’s why making sure your lawn is cleared off throughout winter is so important.

Another helpful step to take during this season is to winterize your lawn mower and irrigation system. That way, as soon as temperatures are rising and your grass is growing, they’re ready for action.

How Our Manassas Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

This is the time of year when you’re focused on holiday festivities and family time. But your lawn needs some attention too, in the form of certain treatments, and we can deliver them all. Lawn Doctor of Woodbridge-Manassas-Dumfries offers a range of seasonal lawn care services, as well as annual programs, for ensuring your turf has all it needs to stand tough during cold-weather conditions and come roaring back to life in spring. We even back up our work with a guarantee that’s one of the best around.

For spring lawn care in Manassas, VA, contact us today for a free consultation! We also offer spring lawn care in other nearby areas, including in Woodbridge, Dumfries, and Prince William County.