Tick Control in Zephyrhills

Closeup picture of a tick found prior to providing Tick Control in Zephyrhills

While spring and summer may be peak tick season in other parts of the state, the balmy climate in this area means we have to deal with these bloodsuckers all throughout the fall as well. Springing for professional tick control in Zephyrhills can help protect your yard from these pests, but what can you do to protect yourself?

How to Practice Proper Tick Control in Zephyhills

At Lawn Doctor of Zephyrhills-Land O Lakes, our local tick control specialists know everything about these bugs, from their preferred habitat to where they’re most likely to bite. To help you enjoy all your outdoor adventures this season, we’ve prepared a few top tick control tips:

Keep up with the bug spray. Whenever you’re headed into the great outdoors, or even just the backyard, remember to apply bug spray. If you’re going to spend a lot of time outside, make sure to re-apply it.

Steer clear of likely tick habitats. Ticks are drawn to trees, shrubs, tall grass, and lawn debris. Do your best to avoid areas that have these features. You should also stay on top of basic lawn maintenance, like mowing your lawn often, pruning any trees and shrubs, and clearing up yard waste. If possible, establish some kind of barrier between any wooded areas and the outdoor areas you use.

Check your body regularly for ticks. The sooner you find a tick after it bites you, the less likely it is to pass on diseases. Inspect yourself for ticks any time you’ve been outside, including your scalp, groin, and underarms. Do the same for children and pets.

Cover up when you can. Ticks are just waiting for the opportunity to latch on to your skin, so try not to give them any openings. Cover up with protective gear, long sleeved shirts, and pants rather than shorts, skirts, or flowing dresses. It helps to tuck your pant legs into your socks too.

Contact Lawn Doctor of Zephyrhills-Land O Lakes to Find Out More

While we can’t shield you against ticks in parks and other public spaces, our tick control technicians in Zephyrhills can help keep these pests out of your yard. Our treatments are available in the following communities:

  • Zephyrhills
  • Wesley Chapel
  • Dade City
  • Land O’Lakes
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For tick control in Zephyrhills, contact us today!