Lawn Care in Wesley Chapel: Terms You Should Know

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame lawn care in Wesley ChapelRun across a word on our website you don’t know the meaning of, or don’t know a lot about? Lawn Doctor of Zephyrhills-Land O Lakes is here to help. Below are some commonly used lawn care terms on our site and the impact they have on local yards in Wesley Chapel, FL and beyond:

Broadleaf weeds: These are weeds that are characterized by broad leaves that are wider than grassy weeds and have veins branching out across them in a net-like pattern. Examples include dandelion, ragweed, purslane, plantain, and oxalis.

Grassy weeds: These weeds, which include crabgrass and goosegrass, look and act similar in nature to actual turfgrass with narrow blades and parallel stems. However, they compete with your lawn for resources, impacting health and appearance.

Lime amendments: A treatment added to the soil to raise the alkalinity and balance the pH level. Typically, a pH value below 6.0 indicates the need for lime.

Micronutrients: Those nutrients, such as copper, zinc, and iron, that are essential for overall plant health, but only in tiny amounts.

Perimeter pests: Pests, such as ants, spiders, crickets, and mites, that nest in and around a home’s foundation. They can often find their way inside through small cracks, crevices, and holes, where they then hide and breed.

Slow-release fertilizer: A specific type of granulated fertilizer that releases nutrients into the soil on a gradual basis rather than all at once.

Soil pH: The measure of acidity and alkalinity in the soil. For optimal lawn health and growth, soil pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0.

Lawn Care in the Wesley Chapel Area: Learn More from Our Experts Today

There’s plenty to learn and know about proper lawn care. But if you’d rather leave some of these jobs to trained lawn experts, call in Lawn Doctor of Zephyrhills-Land O Lakes. Whether your lawn requires fertilization and weed control or your trees and shrubs need attention, our team is here to help. We will perform a thorough assessment of your property, develop a custom lawn plan, then deliver the most effective treatment options using premium materials, proprietary equipment, and proven techniques.

Looking for a lawn care team you can trust, whether in Wesley Chapel, Land O’Lakes, New Port Richey, Dade City, Spring Hill, or another surrounding community? Connect with Lawn Doctor of Zephyrhills-Land O Lakes today by calling (813) 973-1602 and scheduling your free consultation.