Residential Lawn Care in Lower Bucks County: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Lower Bucks County

Protecting your yard from external threats while also boosting its overall health takes a comprehensive approach. And because of all the moving parts involved in the process, there’s a lot of misinformation out there regarding what works and what doesn’t. To help you set the record straight, we’ll go through some common myths surrounding residential lawn care in the Lower Bucks County, PA area below.

Common Residential Lawn Care Myths

There are endless myths out there surrounding how to best take care of your yard. Here’s a closer look at some of the most common lawn care myths out there:

Pulling weeds is the best way to fight them. Pulling weeds has long been a lawn care staple. However, the biggest risk that comes with manually pulling weeds is that part of the plant can break off and be left behind, allowing the weed to regenerate, grow, and continue spreading.

Watering at night is most effective. Watering your grass during a specific time of day will lead to better results. However, that time of day is not the evening. Evening watering allows water to sit on your grass for too long before it evaporates, potentially leading to the development of mildew and other lawn diseases. For the best results, water early in the morning.

Mowing short is a great way to save time. Mowing your grass too short, while it will technically mean mowing less often, opens up your lawn to a long list of issues. Grass that’s too short is more easily invaded by weeds and more susceptible to other problems like sun damage and lawn diseases.

Fertilization is only needed once or twice per year. Fertilization is necessary to maintain the balance of nutrients in your lawn. To sustain healthy grass growth through the seasons, one or two applications simply isn’t enough. Four to six applications are generally necessary to maximize your lawn’s overall health and keep it looking its best.

Our Professional Residential Lawn Care in Lower Bucks County

Working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Lower BuxMont means getting top-notch lawn treatments and results you can trust. We take the uncertainty out of the lawn care process by utilizing a time-tested approach and products that get the job done right.

We offer top-notch residential lawn care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Lower Bucks County
  • Bucks County
  • Eastern Montgomery County
  • Willow Grove
  • Abington
  • Horsham
  • Yardley
  • Levittown
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For residential lawn care in Lower Bucks County, contact us today!