Lawn Maintenance in Lower Bucks County: Tips for Thicker Growth

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Maintenance in Lower Bucks County

Every yard looks better when it’s covered with a lush, green covering of grass. However, it takes a lot to achieve and maintain thick grass, and there are a lot of moving parts involved in the process. To bring out the best in your yard and achieve healthier grass, it takes a comprehensive treatment program. Below, we’ll take you through a few key tips for thick grass and how our professional lawn maintenance in Lower Bucks County can help you get the job done right.

Top Tips for Thick Grass

For thick, healthy grass, there are a handful of steps that need to be taken. Here are a few key lawn maintenance tips for thick grass:

Effective Fertilization. One of the most important steps that needs to be taken to develop thick grass is effective fertilization. Your lawn needs nutrients to stay healthy and growing over time, and maintaining this balance on your own can be tricky. Phosphorous is the nutrient most directly responsible for thick grass, but it needs to be balanced with the other nutrients required for healthy grass growth. That’s where our professional fertilization comes in.

Aeration. Compacted soil is a common issue in local lawns, and it can have a major effect on your yard’s ability to produce thick grass. When your soil becomes compacted, it prevents resources like oxygen and water from reaching your root systems, negatively impacting grass growth. With our core aeration solutions, we’ll break compacted soil apart and restore the healthy circulation of resources under your lawn’s surface.

Weed Control. Weeds do much more than just turn your yard into an eyesore. Weeds can hinder your lawn’s ability to grow thick grass by taking away the resources your grass needs to grow. With our proven weed control treatments, our team will effectively eliminate both broadleaf and grassy weeds, preventing them from damaging your yard.

Our Hassle-Free Lawn Maintenance in Lower Bucks County

Achieving and maintaining thick grass doesn’t have to be an inconvenient process. At Lawn Doctor of Lower BuxMont, we don’t require you to be at home during service, helping you achieve a healthier lawn without the need to be stuck at home during service.

We offer top-notch lawn maintenance to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Lower Bucks County
  • Bucks County
  • Eastern Montgomery County
  • Willow Grove
  • Abington
  • Horsham
  • Yardley
  • Levittown
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

To get started with professional lawn maintenance in the Lower Bucks County area, contact our team today!