Spring Lawn Care in Virginia Beach: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

extremely green grass from our.

Winter is here and with it comes all sorts of family events and festivities. Your yard might not be on your mind at all. However, it still needs some attention, so it returns green and healthy in the next growing season. And the team at Lawn Doctor of Virginia Beach can help you give it. As spring lawn care professionals serving the Virginia Beach, VA area, we understand the climate at this time of the year, the adverse conditions your grass is up against, and what it needs to not just survive, but thrive in the months ahead. Here are some tips to get there.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

A growing lawn is one that can stand up to stress better. But once it’s dormant, it’s more vulnerable to a range of issues. That’s why it’s important to make sure you:

Avoid walking on it. As it grows colder outside, your grass gets brittle and is far more susceptible to damage from foot traffic, as a result.

Salt carefully around it. If freezing rains or frost are making your walkways slippery, be carefully when salting. Aim to keep salt off the grass so it doesn’t cause harm.

Clear off clutter. If you’ve still got lawn equipment, furniture, or toys sitting on your yard, clean up and store them. These lead to damp, dark conditions where pests like to hide.

Rake up leaves regularly. Likewise, make sure you’re blowing off or raking up any leaves that are still falling into your lawn. These create a wet, matted layer that blocks sunlight, inviting diseases and pests.

How Our Virginia Beach Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

Beyond the steps above, there’s some professional care that Lawn Doctor of Virginia Beach can deliver to keep your lawn strong during winter, so it can return green and lush during spring. But before we do that, we’ll evaluate your yard to learn about its unique features, as well as problem spots, then customize a plan just right for it. We offer a range of seasonal treatments, as well as annual, ongoing care, with options for every need and budget!

For spring lawn care in Virginia Beach, VA and other nearby areas, contact us today for a free consultation!