A Guide to Lawn Pest Control in North Virginia Beach

Lawn Pest Control in North Virginia Beach

With our lawn pest control services in North Virginia Beach, Lawn Doctor of Virginia Beach provides comprehensive support to stop mosquitoes, ticks and grubs. Each of these unique pests has the ability to disrupt your lawn in their own way, so we are proud to offer the services you need to protect your yard.

The Importance of Professional Pest Control 

While different in many ways, each of these pests has the ability to create chaos and turn your lawn into an uncomfortable place. Here are a few important details about each of them:


These small buzzing creatures spread itchy bites, transmit disease, and reproduce rapidly, making them a formidable threat to homeowners hoping to enjoy the outdoors. Fortunately, with our comprehensive methods and premium supplies, our team can stop your current mosquito infestation and get ahead of their abundant breeding cycle.


As with mosquitoes, ticks are a threat to your comfort and peace of mind. These small arachnids are not nearly as aggressive and omnipresent as their buzzing counterparts, but the risk associated with their bite is much more severe. These creatures carry and spread Lyme disease, which is a very serious ailment that not only affects humans but can threaten the health of our household pets as well.


Grubs differ significantly from the other pests on this list, as they do not directly threaten people and pets. However, they do create a significant hazard to your lawn. These creatures are small beetle larvae that live under your soil and eat the roots of your grass. Without proper care, they’ll chew up your root system and destabilize your lawn.

Lawn Pest Control Services North Virginia Beach Homeowners Can Depend On

Mosquitoes and ticks can threaten your comfort and peace of mind, and grubs can endanger the health and quality of your lawn. However, with our expert lawn pest control services, Lawn Doctor of Virginia Beach can neutralize all of these unwanted guests and keep your yard in great shape. Our professional services are available throughout:

  • North Virginia Beach
  • Virginia Beach
  • and the surrounding areas

For professional lawn pest control services in North Virginia Beach, contact us today!