Tips For Grass Care in Macomb: What to Do Between Treatments

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Macomb

As a home or business owner, you are used to doing things yourself. However, when it comes to proper grass care, you are far better off letting Lawn Doctor of Utica-Macomb take over. We can save you from hours of hard work and confusing treatments. Most importantly, we can make sure the job is done right, providing your home or business with a lush, healthy, and eye-catching green lawn. All our services come at affordable rates with the full security of our industry-leading guarantee.

While trusting our professionals is the right call, there are still a few ways you can help to maintain your lawn between our visits. Let’s take a look at some helpful tips for mowing, watering, and protecting your lawn from your pets.

DIY Grass Care Tips For Macomb Area Lawns

We do not offer mowing or watering services, but we do provide expert solutions for fertilization, weed control, and more. Here are our tips for taking care of those basic duties on your own:

Mowing. The key to effective mowing is to avoid cutting your grass too short. When you cut too much, your lawn becomes vulnerable to weed growth, pests, and other issues. We recommend trimming your grass by no more than one third. Another important detail to remember, is that a dull mower blade will cut your grass unevenly. For this reason, you should always make sure your blade is sharpened or replaced.

Watering. To make sure your grass is able to absorb enough moisture, it is important to schedule your watering sessions in the early morning. We recommend two heavy watering sessions per week, just before sunrise.

Preventing dead spots. Create a gravel or mulch area and spot-train your dog to only use this zone whenever nature calls. The nitrogen in dog urine causes dead spots when applied to grass, so this is something to avoid.

Expert Grass Care in Your Area

Successful grass maintenance is not an easy task. The only reason we are able to deliver such great results, is because we have been doing this for a long time. Our professionals have years of experience adapting to different issues and applying the correct solutions. With our proven approach, you can count on healthy, strong, and beautiful grass, all year long.

We are proud to offer an affordable service to take over your DIY lawn chores and deliver guaranteed results. Our service region includes:

  • Macomb
  • Utica
  • Shelby Township

Macomb homeowners call on us to bring expert grass care to their lawns. Contact us today to see what we can do for your home or business.