Lawn Aeration in Tyler

When your grass experiences a lot of foot traffic or rainfall, the soil can become compacted. This is a serious problem, since compacted soil makes it difficult for nutrients to flow properly. Without the right treatments, this issue can lead to unhealthy and poorly growing grass, as your soil and root systems are deprived of vital resources. However, with our expert lawn aeration, Lawn Doctor of Tyler-Lindale can provide an effective solution to negate these effects.

About our Lawn Aeration in Tyler

Aeration refers to the act of creating better air flow in your soil. We accomplish this by pulling small ‘cores’ out of your soil. This will increase the amount of oxygen present, and create an easy delivery system for vital nutrients. A great way to tell if it’s time for this procedure, is to utilize the ‘screwdriver test.’ If you can easily poke a screwdriver into your soil, there’s no need for aeration treatment. If you have difficulty, it’s time to open things up a bit with this vital service.

Aeration is done using heavy equipment that can be difficult to operate and expensive to rent. Plus, the procedure needs to be done when the conditions are just right on your lawn. With all of these important details, you’ll be glad you passed the job off to our professionals. We have the skills and experience to carry out this important task and restore healthy air flow to your lawn.

When aeration is done right, the benefits can be massive. Your lawn will enjoy stronger roots with better access to nutrients. This will increase health and fullness throughout your lawn, while creating a stronger defense against severe weather and other threats. In addition, a lawn that is properly aerated will respond better to other treatments, including fertilization.

Expert Lawn Aeration Backed by our Guarantee

Our service is available in Tyler, Lindale, Bullard, Whitehouse, Chandler and the surrounding areas. Effective lawn aeration will set the foundation for a healthy, thriving lawn. This procedure helps your soil, roots and grass maintain proper nutrient flow and stand up to outside threats. It also allows your lawn to absorb other treatments and products, leading to stronger health, growth and stability. As with all of our services, we are proud to secure our work with an industry-leading guarantee.

For lawn aeration in Tyler, contact us today!