Residential Lawn Care in Southampton: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Lawn Doctor expert with clipboard stoops down to provide Residential Lawn Care in Southampton

Your lawn needs to be cared for in a way that is backed by science, not myths and misconceptions. Yet, with so much information a click away, it’s hard to know what’s true. To ensure you don’t get fooled by residential lawn care myths that commonly circulate from Southampton to The Hamptons and nearby areas in NY, be aware of the following.

Myth #1: You only need to fertilize once a year.

This can lead to a lack of nutrients in your lawn, impacting color, growth, and natural defenses. Instead, your lawn should be fertilized a number of times, such as 4-6, so that it has access to the essential minerals it needs, at the optimal times of the growing season.

Myth #2: Spiked shoes can aerate your lawn.

If you mow your lawn wearing spiked shoes, you, unfortunately, won’t do much to break up compaction. In fact, you might even be making the condition worse. If you think the soil in your lawn is compacted, then opt for the tried-and-true technique: core aeration.

Myth #3: Beer, soda, and other tonics are good for your grass.

The claim is that these improve microbial activity, yet there’s no real evidence these work. Plus, ingredients like sugar and yeast can feed fungus and promote the spread of diseases. It’s best, instead, to steer clear and stick to the facts when it comes to residential lawn care in the Southampton area.

Myth #4: Hand-pull weeds to get rid of them. 

Weeds can be persistent and a big pain. What’s worse, even if you hand-pull them, they’ll often grow back. Why? Because if a little bit of the root is left behind, it can grow into another new weed. Plus, when you pull out the weeds, seeds are inadvertently dispersed, spreading them in the process.

Ready for Residential Lawn Care from Southampton’s Experts?

If you’re tired of trying to figure out the best way to take care of your lawn, turn to the professionals at Lawn Doctor of The Hamptons. All of the care we provide is rooted in science and facts, and backed by years of industry experience. You can trust our residential lawn care team for treatments that are proven to work in and around the Southampton area and deliver the green, lush results you want. We even guarantee it.

Take advantage of professional residential lawn care in:

  • Southampton
  • The Hamptons
  • East Hampton
  • Westhampton
  • Moriches
  • Sagaponack
  • The North Fork
  • And throughout the surrounding area

Contact us today to find out more about residential lawn care in Southampton, NY.