Lawn Fertilization in Lewes

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Fertilization in Lewes

To maintain a thick, green lawn all season, you need to fertilize it. If you’d like professional help this year, turn to Lawn Doctor of Sussex County. We offer lawn fertilization in many local areas from Lewes to Milton and beyond in DE. With our expert team, we’ll feed your lawn the nutrients it needs to stand strong, grow greener, and provide a soft, lush setting for family fun.

Professional Lawn Fertilization 101: What to Know First

If you’ve never worked with a professional team for lawn fertilization in the Lewes area, you probably have questions. At Lawn Doctor of Sussex County, we have answers. Below are common questions and our responses. Our team is also available if your question isn’t listed here. Simply call us and we’ll be happy to help.

My lawn looks healthy. Why should I have it fertilized?

Fertilizing is important to keep your lawn healthy. It helps roots grow down deep, so your lawn is better supported. It also increases thickness and natural defenses, so common problems, like weeds, are crowded out. In addition, fertilization promotes faster growth rates and bright, green color, so your lawn looks more beautiful.

Should I water my lawn before you plan to fertilize?

Watering your lawn a day or two before we plan to fertilize is helpful. This will soften the soil so the fertilizer we apply will get better absorbed.

Should I cut, rake, or aerate before you fertilize?

It’s important to mow and rake before we fertilize since these both help to expose more soil. It’s then easier for fertilizer to get to the ground and get absorbed. In addition, if your lawn needs to be aerated, do so before fertilizing. This too creates excellent conditions for better absorption, optimizing the fertilization process.

What steps should I take once you’re done?

Generally, it’s best to water right after we fertilize. However, our technicians will explain next steps once we’re finished treating your lawn.

How long should I wait before letting people and pets on my lawn?

Once you water your lawn, wait another 24 hours. It’s then safe for your kids and pets to play on your lawn.

Serving Lewes with Lawn Fertilization

Get a thicker, greener, healthier lawn with Lawn Doctor of Sussex County. We offer lawn fertilization across:

  • Lewes
  • Milton
  • Millsboro/Long Neck
  • And throughout other surrounding communities

Get greener, healthier grass with our lawn fertilization in Lewes, DE. Simply contact us today for a free estimate!