Tick Control in Bellefonte: Autumn Doesn’t Mean an End to These Pests

Closeup picture of a tick found during Tick Control in Bellefonte

Even though summer is slowing down, ticks are still on the prowl. In fact, they can stay active through September and even beyond. It’s why continuing with treatments is so important and where Lawn Doctor of State College-Bellefonte can help. We offer tick control across nearby areas in PA that will provide your family with powerful protection. You won’t have to think twice about bug sprays and tick checks and can simply enjoy life outside.

Why Fall Tick Control from Our Team is Key

As autumn approaches, your grass is coming out of summer dormancy and growing in faster once again. This, in turn, can create those shady conditions that attract ticks. In addition, areas where trees are overgrown or leaves pile up can further add to a more tick-friendly environment. It’s why treating them during the weeks ahead is key and where Lawn Doctor of State College-Bellefonte comes in.

Through our Yard Armour® Tick Control program, we’ll ensure you have a strong and long-lasting barrier around your lawn with services that include:

Treatments to control. Our treatments are designed to suppress adults, as well as the development of eggs and larvae, reducing current and future activity.

Sprays to maintain protection. Our team will also keep control strong and steady with maintenance sprays provided at key points of the Bellefonte area’s tick season.

Tips on ways to keep ticks out. Our technicians will educate you on how ticks are getting into your yard and the specific steps to take to keep numbers low.

Serving Bellefonte with Tick Control That’s Guaranteed

Ticks are a problem every year because they spread so quickly. They’re also dangerous, carrying with them a range of illnesses, from Lyme disease to Rocky Mountain spotted fever. With help from Lawn Doctor of State College-Bellefonte, you don’t have to worry about the threat they pose. We’ll provide a safer outdoor space for you and your family, one free from these aggressive pests. If, however, there’s a reason you’re not happy with one of our treatments, let us know and we promise to fix it.

If you’re ready for professional help controlling ticks, our services are available in:

  • Bellefonte
  • State College
  • Boalsburg
  • Centre Hall
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For powerful and proven tick control in Bellefonte, PA, contact us today for a free consultation and estimate!