Fall Lawn Care in State College: Tips for a Dazzling Spring Lawn

Father and daughter playing ball on a green lawn with trees in background showing fall lawn care in State CollegeTemperatures are dropping and days are growing shorter. Your grass is heading into dormancy. However, before it goes to sleep for winter, make sure it has all it needs to emerge greener and lusher than ever next spring. Don’t know where to begin? Lawn Doctor of State College-Bellefonte can help. We know fall lawn care in the State College, PA area and understand exactly what your turf requires to come roaring back to life in the next growing season. Here’s a look:

Fertilize. Give your lawn a healthy dose of nutrition so it has all the energy reserves it needs heading into a cold winter in the Keystone State. This will enable roots to continue to develop until spring.

Aerate. Fall is the ideal time in the State College area to add this task to your lawn care list. It helps reduce compaction caused by summer stress and foot traffic, paving the way for better air, water, and nutrient absorption.

Seed. If your lawn has brown or yellow spots, or thinning areas, give them a boost by seeding. This will not only improve appearance dramatically, but build up natural defenses, too.

Rake Leaves. Don’t let a heavy layer of leaves block out sunlight or cause diseases. Once leaves are falling, routinely rake them up or blow them off, ideally one time each week.

Water. Keeping your lawn hydrated is critical to its overall health. If it’s not getting around an inch of moisture every week from local State College-area rainfall, then be sure to water it.

Winterize Trees and Shrubs. Don’t forget about your larger plantings. Fertilize them and treat any issues with diseases and insects before heading into winter. This is especially important if they’re newly planted.

Let State College’s Fall Lawn Care Team Help

Getting lawn care right during the State College’s fall season requires proper timing. If you don’t perform these steps at the right points of the season, results will be disappointing. Instead of risking it with a DIY approach, call in Lawn Doctor of State College-Bellefonte for help. While you stay on top of maintenance work, like mowing, we’ll tailor a treatment plan and schedule that protects your lawn through winter and ensures it has what it needs to make a dazzling comeback in spring.

Get started today by calling Lawn Doctor of State College-Bellefonte at (814) 383-2218 for a free consultation. We offer fall lawn care in the State College, Bellefonte, Boalsburg, and Centre Hall , PA areas.