Mosquito Control in Sherman

Mosquito biting on human skin before Lawn Doctor provided Mosquito Control in Sherman

At Lawn Doctor of Greater Springfield, we offer comprehensive mosquito control treatments for homes throughout Sherman and the surrounding areas. With our ability to neutralize these pests and their offspring, our team can provide convenient and effective service to secure your yard.

Facts Every Homeowner Should Know About Mosquitoes

While you should rely on our experts for the bulk of your mosquito protection, there are still many ways you can help to reduce this issue on your own. Here are some crucial mosquito facts that will help you understand what you’re dealing with:

  • Hotspots. Mosquitoes rely on standing water to produce their offspring, so they can be found in any outdoor environment where they have access to a water source. Given their small stature and resiliency, these pests can utilize even a small amount of water to produce hundreds of future offspring. With every service visit to your home, our experts will search the area for standing water and identify future problem areas around your yard.
  • Risks. Mosquitoes carry diseases that can severely impact the health of humans and other mammals. If you have cats or dogs at home, you need to be extra cautious about protecting them from this threat, as mosquitoes cause 100% of all heartworm cases in these animals.
  • Why mosquitoes attack. Contrary to popular myth, mosquitoes do not consume our blood. Instead, they take it to nourish their offspring. This dynamic can explain their aggression, as their attacks are driven by their natural instinct to propagate the species.
  • DIY prevention. Professional service is essential for removing mosquitoes and preventing a large-scale infestation. However, with proper DIY prevention habits, you can reduce this issue and make your life much easier. Once we visit your home and examine the layout of your yard, our experts will be able to provide customized DIY tips to help you reduce these pests when we’re not around.

Trusted Mosquito Control in the Sherman  Area

With quick and convenient treatments proven to destroy these pests and their offspring, Lawn Doctor of Greater Springfield is eager to protect your yard from this common threat. We offer our mosquito control services throughout:

  • Sherman
  • Springfield
  • Chatham
  • Rochester
  • and the surrounding areas

For mosquito control in Sherman, contact us today!