Lawn Doctor of Springfield: Lawn Treatments for a Lush Lawn

Finding the time to make sure the lawn gets cut is often hard enough with the busy schedule your family keeps. Trying to work in time for fertilizing, weed control and other treatments is darn near impossible. If you are tired of trying to do it all, now is the time to call Lawn Doctor of Springfield. Our lawn treatment services ensure your grass grows into the lush, green lawn you’ve always wanted.

Types of Lawn Treatment Services

The Lawn Maintainer program from Lawn Doctor of Springfield is designed to provide comPretty Woman playing with cute puppy on grass that receives lawn treatmentsprehensive lawn treatments to ensure a healthy yard. Lawn treatments with the Lawn Maintainer program include:

Made up of those four points, our lawn treatment gets under the surface of your lawn to provide a yard that is healthy and thriving. Our local experts offer lawn treatment in Springfield and the surrounding areas such as Chatham, Rochester, and Sherman. We use our knowledge and expertise of the climate and soil to give you the lawn treatments that address the primary areas of concern in your yard.

The Importance of Fertilization in Lawn Treatments

The team from Lawn Doctor of Springfield understands how all our lawn treatments work together to bring about the healthy lawn you’ve always wanted. Fertilization is an essential component of lawn growth. Without the proper nutrients, your lawn can’t reach its fullest potential. We use our exclusive Turf Tamer® equipment to ensure the right levels and distribution of fertilizer across your yard so you will have even growth.

The Importance of Lawn Weed Control Treatments

Our lawn weed control treatments are important for more than just a pretty yard. Weeds can be detrimental to the health and well-being of your lawn. Our lawn treatment services can eradicate any diseases in your lawn, as well as protect it from future weed growth. Our lawn weed control treatments cover broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions and clover, as well as crabgrass control. Both types of weeds can be hard to banish on your own, but our lawn treatments can give you back your lawn.

The Importance of Pest Management in Lawn Treatments

With proper fertilization and weed control, you’re more than half way to a beautiful lawn. The final component of our Lawn Maintainer program is pest management. We ensure your lawn is free from bugs and other pests that can disrupt lawn growth and be a nuisance when you spend time outside. We’ll protect your yard from common pests including grubs, mosquitoes, ticks, and more.

Stop trying to figure out what your lawn needs to grow. One call to Lawn Doctor of Springfield and you can be confident you’ll have a beautiful, green lawn. Call 217-529-5288 to learn more about our lawn treatment services.