Lawn Fertilization in Rochester

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Fertilization in Rochester

For a lawn that stays healthy and produces consistent grass growth from season to season, effective fertilization is crucial. Getting dependable results from fertilization, however, requires help from the professionals. At Lawn Doctor of Greater Springfield, we utilize a tried-and-true fertilization strategy to bring our customers top-notch results. With our proven lawn fertilization, we bring stronger, healthier lawns to our neighbors located all over the Rochester, IL area.

The Differences Between Lawn Fertilization Products

Choosing the right fertilizer for your yard’s specific needs is a crucial part of getting the most out of fertilization treatments. However, there’s a wide range of different fertilizer products out there, and choosing one can be tricky if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Here’s a quick overview of a few key factors that set fertilizers apart from each other and determine how they affect your lawn:

NPK Ratios. Fertilizer’s job is to provide your yard with nutrients, but different fertilizers contain different concentrations of these nutrients. The NPK label on fertilizers indicates the percentage of three key nutrients contained in the mix: nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Nitrogen supports grass growth, phosphorous enhances root development, and potassium supports your lawn’s overall function. 10/10/10 is a common ratio, but there are many others that are available.

Fertilizer Types. In addition to their nutrient densities, fertilizers differ by their physical structure. Fertilizers that are granulated tend to release more slowly than liquid fertilizers, giving you flexibility with how and when nutrients reach your yard. Granulated fertilizers are a great option for long-term lawn maintenance, while liquid fertilizers are better for helping your yard quickly recover from issues and sparking new growth after uncooperative weather.

The Benefits of Professional Lawn Fertilization in Rochester

Choosing the professional lawn fertilization offered by our team at Lawn Doctor of Greater Springfield means getting access to top-notch fertilization while also avoiding the stress that comes with searching for the right fertilizer and applying it to your yard on your own. Our top-of-the-line equipment and knowledgeable team will bring you results you can trust year after year.

We offer proven lawn fertilization to our neighbors located all over the area. Here are the communities we serve:

  • Rochester
  • Springfield
  • Chatham
  • Sherman
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

Ready to learn more about our lawn fertilization in Rochester? To get started with our treatments, contact our team today!