Lawn Aeration in Plantsville

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Plantsville

Are you familiar with the concept of soil compaction? This is the result of soil becoming densely packed over time, which can effectively stifle grass root systems and cut them off from the nutrients they need. You might encounter soil compaction if you use your yard very frequently or park vehicles or heavy machinery on it. Lawn aeration is the key to loosening dense soil and relieving compaction, and you can trust our team to perform this procedure on your Plantsville-area lawn.

Help Your Grass Breathe With These Lawn Aeration Tips

At Lawn Doctor of Bristol-Southington, we realize that lawn aeration is one aspect of lawn care that can really stump homeowners. While you may feel like you have a somewhat detailed knowledge of fertilization or seeding, you may not know the basics about preventing soil compaction. Here are our tips for keeping your soil at the right density for grass growth:

Make sure aeration is done by the time the growing season starts. Having soil loosened up as the season for grass growth kicks off is essential to providing grass roots with the room they need to expand.

Have aeration performed on a regular schedule. While aeration doesn’t need to be done as frequently as other lawn chores such as fertilization, it does need to be done regularly. For some lawns, the best frequency is once per year, while others can thrive with aeration every two years.

Choose professional core aeration. The two common methodologies for lawn aeration are core aeration and spike aeration. To perform spike aeration, holes are punched into the ground. In contrast, core aeration is conducted with a special machine that ‘cores’ plugs of soil out of the compacted area. Core aeration done by experienced professionals is best because it actually displaces dense soil, giving grass more space for healthy growth.

Enhance Root Growth With Professional Lawn Aeration in Plantsville

Don’t underestimate the difference that professional lawn aeration can make to your turf’s health and growth. When aeration is conducted by our meticulous team, you can look forward to enjoying all the benefits that it provides while knowing it’s being done at the perfect moment in the growing schedule.

Feel free to reach out to us for details about getting started with this service in:

  • Plantsville
  • Southington
  • Bristol
  • Plainville
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

To learn about the benefits of professional lawn aeration in Plantsville, contact us today!