Residential Lawn Care in Mishawaka: Examining Common Lawn Care Myths

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Residential Lawn Care in Mishawaka

Is your turf looking more drab and bare than green and lush? If your residential lawn care practices reflect commonly believed myths, you may not be giving your yard in Mishawaka the nurturing care it craves. With Lawn Doctor of South Bend-Granger-Mishawaka-Elkhart as your partner in lawn care, you can be certain your grass is benefiting from proven, well-timed treatments delivered with expertise.

Debunking Widespread Residential Lawn Care Myths

Curious about some of the lawn care myths that can keep you from enjoying the beautiful lawn you deserve? Here are three of the most common:

  • Myth #1: Fertilization is only necessary a couple of times each year. Without proper fertilization, your lawn will lack access to essential nutrients and begin to look a bit lackluster. If your goal is to grow an emerald green yard with a plush texture, at least six fertilization treatments per year would be ideal. For the best results, turn to us to build a custom fertilization plan for your lawn that includes the specific number of treatments it needs annually.
  • Myth #2: All thatch should be removed from your lawn. Too much thatch can certainly stall your lawn’s health, but a little bit of thatch is necessary to protect and insulate it. If you’re worried about thatch becoming an issue, you can trust our experts to determine when dethatching should be performed.
  • Myth #3: You can water at any time of the day and expect the same results. Your lawn doesn’t actually absorb the same amount of water throughout the day. In fact, the absorption rate will depend on the temperature. We recommend watering early in the morning, before the sun can evaporate water from your lawn, to ensure grassroots receive all the moisture they need.

Demystifying Residential Lawn Care For Homeowners in Mishawaka

At Lawn Doctor of South Bend-Granger-Mishawaka-Elkhart, we’re proud to help demystify residential lawn care for local homeowners. We make the process simple for local homeowners by delivering professional treatments backed by a reliable customer satisfaction guarantee. With our support, you can have total confidence that your grass will be nurtured to a beautiful state of health.

Our local technicians serve the communities of:

  • Mishawaka
  • South Bend
  • Granger
  • St. Joseph County
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

For residential lawn care in Mishawaka,contact us today!