Spring Lawn Care in Marblehead: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Marblehead

Midwest winters can be tough on local lawns. The drastic shifts in temperature and precipitation, along with the reduced availability of everything your lawn needs to grow can put your grass and other plants at risk if they’re not properly prepared. There are a few key precautionary measures you can take on your own at the end of the year, and for the rest you can count on the spring lawn care trusted by homeowners located throughout the Marblehead, Huron, Fremont, Amherst, Vermillion, and Sandusky, OH areas.

How to Get a Head Start on Spring Lawn Care

There is a long list of different processes involved in successfully preparing your lawn for the winter and helping it support new growth once spring returns. Here is a closer look at just a few of the ways that you can get an effective head start on spring lawn care:

General Lawn Upkeep. Out of the many different ways you can help your lawn stay healthy through seasonal transitions, one of the simplest is keeping your lawn clear of clutter. Leaf litter, fallen branches, and underbrush can create breeding grounds for invasive pests while also preventing your grass from receiving sunlight and creating conditions conducive to certain lawn diseases. Keeping obstructions and clutter out of your lawn is a quick and easy way to support its ongoing health.

Aeration & Fertilization. Your lawn needs a handful of different things to sustain its health through the colder months and bounce back in the spring, with nutrients and oxygen being among the most important. Effective aeration and fertilization treatments will replenish your lawn’s oxygen and nutrient stores so that it has the tools to fight off the threats of winter weather and support healthy growth in the long run.

Our Convenient Spring Lawn Care for Marblehead Homeowners

Maintaining a healthy lawn through seasonal transitions doesn’t have to be inconvenient. By working with our team at Lawn Doctor of Sandusky-Fremont & Elyria-Amherst, you can enjoy a healthy lawn without the hassles of DIY lawn care. We can treat your lawn whether you’re home or not, giving you the freedom to use your time on your own terms.

To learn more about our spring lawn care in Marblehead, contact us today! We deliver premium spring lawn care services to our neighbors throughout Marblehead, Huron, Fremont, Amherst, Vermillion, Sandusky, and the surrounding communities.