Summer Grass Care in Radcliff: Tips for Summer Drought

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Grass Care in Radcliff

It’s common for drought conditions to pop up when you get to the hottest parts of the summer. However, drought conditions don’t mean that you have to put lawn maintenance on the back burner. Below, we’ll go through a few grass care tips that can be implemented in Radcliff, KY area lawns to keep them healthy and growing even when conditions aren’t optimal. And with the combination of these tips and our professional treatments, you’ll have a lawn that you can be proud of in the long run.

Summer Grass Care Tips for Radcliff Area Residents

Let’s take a closer look at some summer grass care tips to help you keep your lawn healthy in drought conditions:

Skip Watering on Windy Days

When you water your grass on a windy day, relatively little of the water that’s actually intended for your lawn ends up where it’s supposed to. To save water, it’s best to wait for calmer conditions instead of watering when it’s windy.

Water Less Often

Contrary to popular belief, your lawn will survive if you don’t water it every single day. Watering less frequently helps you conserve water while still helping your grass stay green and healthy. For effective lawn maintenance in drought conditions, you can generally get away with watering two or three times per week until the drought ends.

Water Early

When you water your grass too late in the day, it can reduce its effectiveness and even lead to the development of lawn diseases. The summer sun can quickly cause water to evaporate if you water in the afternoon, and watering in the evening can lead to the development of mildew. By watering early in the morning, you can boost the effectiveness of your watering efforts.

Keep Your Grass Longer

Short grass develops weaker root systems that dry out more quickly, causing your lawn to require more water to stay healthy. Keeping your grass longer through the seasons will help it grow stronger, denser root systems that are more resistant to drought. This not only results in your lawn needing less water to stay healthy but also in a lawn that’s more resilient to weed infestations.

We offer proven grass care to our neighbors in these areas:

  • Radcliff
  • Elizabethtown
  • Vine Grove
  • Rineyville
  • Fort Knox
  • Hardin County
  • And throughout the surrounding communities

For grass care in Radcliff, contact us today!