Customizable Lawn Treatments in Richmond Keep Your Lawn Picture Perfect

extremely green grass photo fills entire frame showing lawn treatments in Richmond

Got weeds, patchy grass, or annoying pests? Stop the struggle and instead turn to the experts at Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond. We offer lawn treatments to homeowners across the Richmond, VA area that are not only customized to our Central Virginia growing and climate conditions, but also tailored to your unique turf.

To begin, we always recommend our Prime Lawn Care program simply because it serves as a solid foundation for your grass, providing many of the basic yet vital elements it needs for better health and beauty. For instance, you’ll get:

A free lawn assessment. With Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond, we’ll always take the time upfront to get to know the specific characteristics of your property, so we can deliver tailor-made treatments.

Free soil pH testing with the Prime Lawn Care program to provide maximum results from each treatment.

Services that include weed control, fertilization, and Integrated Pest Management. Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond’s Lawn Maintainer treatments consist of seven applications that fuel grass roots and blades with nutrient-rich and custom-blended fertilizers, as well as suppress a wide range of weeds and pests.

Advice on maintenance practices. At the end of the day, we want you to love the lawn we produce. It’s why we’ll also advise you on how to best mow, water, and tackle other critical tasks to ensure you keep your turf looking great and standing strong.

If new issues arise or if you have a special request, we can help there, too. Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond offers an array of other treatment options, from aerating and seeding to our Yard Armour® mosquito and tick control, as well as tree and shrub care, that can tame tough problems and restore excellent health and appearance.

Turf Tamer® Lawn Treatments: For Better Coverage in Richmond

Getting lawn care right requires more than customization, but top-quality equipment and consistent coverage, too. You can count on Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond to provide these thanks to our Turf Tamer treatment applicators. These are exclusive to our local company and designed with the most sophisticated ground-metering technology, combined with a 16-horsepower engine. For you, this means efficient and even distribution across every inch of your yard. In fact, we even guarantee it.

Ready to learn more? Call Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond at (804) 550-3800 to get started by setting up your free, onsite consultation. Our lawn treatments are offered in many Richmond, VA-area communities, including in Henrico, Midlothian, Chesterfield, Chester, Glen Allen, Ashland, Mechanicsville, and Hanover.