Yard Care in Ormond Beach: How to Get a Thick, Green Lawn

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Yard Care in Ormond Beach

At Lawn Doctor of Daytona Beach, we provide a variety of yard care services for Ormond Beach residents. We can help to make sure your grass gets the right nutrients and treatments for strong, healthy growth throughout the year. We can also help to fight off pests, weeds, and other outside threats. On top of all our expert support, our professionals are always eager to share their wisdom and offer advice for maintaining a thick and beautiful lawn. Let’s take a look at some of our top suggestions.

Five Yard Care Tips To Boost Thickness

Mow your lawn correctly. Our advice is to mow your grass only once a week, targeting a length of 3.5 to 4 inches per blade.

Water grass properly. We suggest watering in the early morning, right around sunrise. This is the best time because any water that is not absorbed by your grass will be burnt off by the rising sun. Water once or twice per week for about 45 minutes at a time.

Fertilize your lawn. For thick growth, proper fertilization is essential. Your lawn will leech nutrients over time, so you need to replace the nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium that it needs to grow. This process can be incredibly complicated. You need to make sure the right product is used and that it is applied with detailed precision.

Control outside threats. Weeds, ticks, disease, and other issues are always a threat to the health and growth of your lawn. To prevent these issues, your best option is to take a proactive approach and secure professional service right away.

Aerate annually. Your lawn needs to be aerated on an annual basis in order to open up air flow into your root system. This is done to negate the effects of soil compaction, which occurs when your lawn gets pressed too densely and water and nutrients are not able to reach the roots. We can pull out small cores of soil to increase air flow and help nutrients get where they belong.

Expert Yard Care in Ormond Beach

With our experience, skills, and top quality products, Lawn Doctor of Daytona Beach is ready to take most of these challenging tasks off your plate. We offer efficient, affordable, and friendly service with results backed up by our leading guarantee. We do not provide lawn mowing or watering services, but we do provide aeration, tick control, weed control, and many other treatments to keep your grass healthy and full.

We operate throughout:

  • Ormond Beach
  • Palm Coast
  • Daytona Beach
  • Port Orange
  • And the surrounding areas

For more information about our yard care in Ormond Beach, contact Lawn Doctor of Daytona Beach today.