Spring Lawn Care in Olive Branch: Get Started Now with These Winter Tips

extremely green grass from our Spring Lawn Care in Olive Branch

During the Olive Branch, MS area, grasses go dormant, requiring far less attention. However, that doesn’t mean there’s no work to do. In fact, the steps you take now can determine the look and health of your turf in the next growing season. And the team at Lawn Doctor of DeSoto County is here to help ensure it’s great. We know local grasses common in the Olive Branch, MS area, how winter impacts them, and what you need to do to now to make spring lawn care easier down the line. Here’s a look.

What Lawn Care Steps You Can Take to Create a Strong Comeback in Spring

With winter in the Olive Branch area comes frost, ice, and cold temperatures. This can all affect your lawn if you’re not careful. That’s why it’s important to:

Check your yard routinely for debris. Any kind of debris, whether it’s organic or not, can be dangerous for your lawn since it blocks air and sunlight, potentially leading to diseases. So make sure you regularly rake up leaves and branches, as well as store away equipment, toys, or anything else sitting on your lawn.

Reduce the chance for injury. During winter, your grass is brittle and therefore more prone to breakage. It’s why staying off your lawn as much as possible is important. Also, don’t drive any vehicles over it, which can crush runners, leading to damage.

Use salt minimally. You want to make sure no one slips on ice in your driveway. But don’t apply excessive amounts of salt, which can end up in your lawn when it rains. Instead, use salt minimally, especially around paved edges.

How Our Olive Branch Spring Lawn Care Experts Can Make a Difference in Your Yard

Keeping your lawn healthy during winter and promoting beautiful growth once spring returns in the Olive Branch area also requires the right care. At Lawn Doctor of DeSoto County, we can give it. Simply call our team for a free consultation and we’ll evaluate your yard to determine what it needs most at this time of year. Whether it’s an individual seasonal service or ongoing care throughout each month, we offer everything to protect your turf today and ensure it bounces back beautifully in the future.

For spring lawn care in Olive Branch, MS, contact us today for a free consultation! We also offer spring lawn care in other nearby areas, including in Oxford, Hernando, and Southaven.