Mosquito Control in Clayton

An Aedes triseriatus mosquito found prior to providing Mosquito Control in Clayton.

Protecting your yard from mosquitoes often requires a helping hand from the pros, but choosing the right company requires knowing the ins and outs of the programs they offer. At Lawn Doctor of Dover-Middletown, we utilize a multi-faceted treatment program that’s designed to effectively drive mosquitoes out of your yard and keep them out in the long run. Below, we’ll go over the individual steps of our mosquito control program and how we use them to keep Clayton, DE lawns protected.

The Steps in Our Mosquito Control Process

By choosing the cutting-edge mosquito control service we offer at Lawn Doctor of Dover-Middletown, you’ll be choosing a comprehensive, multi-step program that’s designed to effectively drive mosquitoes out of your yard and keep them out in the long run. Here’s a closer look at the different steps in our program and how they bring you top-notch protection:

Initial Evaluation. To start the process, our technicians will come out to your property and survey your outdoor spaces. This initial lawn evaluation will identify and address any risk factors that can attract mosquitoes and make treatments less effective. By addressing standing water sources and other risk factors, we’ll be able to design a customized treatment plan that keeps mosquitoes out of your yard for longer.

Applying Our Treatments. After the initial lawn evaluation, our team will apply our advanced mosquito control products to your yard. These products will bond to the underside of leaves, a common mosquito hangout, to quickly and effectively cut down on the number of mosquitoes in your outdoor spaces.

Follow-Up Treatments. To keep your yard protected from mosquitoes in the long run, we’ll return on a regularly-scheduled basis to apply follow-up treatments. These additional applications will address any new mosquito populations that pop up through the seasons, providing lasting protection and a safer, more enjoyable lawn.

Hassle-Free Mosquito Control for Clayton Residents

At Lawn Doctor of Dover-Middletown, taking the stress out of mosquito control is important to us. As part of our commitment to providing hassle-free service, we can apply our treatments whether you’d prefer to be at home during service or not. If you have other places to be, we’ll simply notify you before and after service to keep you informed.

We offer our convenient and effective solutions to our neighbors located in the following communities:

  • Clayton
  • Middletown
  • Dover
  • Townsend
  • Magnolia
  • Smyrna
  • Camden
  • Wyoming
  • Felton
  • Fredrica
  • Odessa
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

To learn more about our mosquito control in Clayton, contact us today!